We are just back from a six week trip in Van-Rouge, the start was a bit stressful though as the morning of the outgoing ferry trip the alternator went in the van, Luckily for us Stanley Autos opened up for us and installed a new one on the morning of the ferry deprature, ouf….
Derek hard at it….
Once aboard the Brittany ferries boat we had an easy time of it and got to see the port of Cork.
Last Vans boarding
A bit of reading before sleep
The worst thing about the crossing is simply that it arrives too early in the morning. Luckily we were amongst the first people off. And after inspecting the Covid passport and Passport we were on the road and only had five vehicles ahead of us.
550KM later we arrived at Alain and Caroline’s house at Yvoy le Marron and spent a relaxing afternoon chatting with them.
Caroline and Nadette
The next day we drove down the autoroute heading for Provence. After a few hours though we got to Langeac, had a meal in a restaurant and the chef told us of this place to park for the night, very nice.
Morning Swim
Van Rouge
The next day we drove towards Nyons cross country using some lovely roads.
We spent the night in the Van at Vercoiran in Provence
Fabienne’s house, we could have stayed here, but as she was not there herself preferred to stay in the Van.
Watch a short video showing Vercoiran above
Of course I had to go for a cycle
Nice spot at the Col de Madeleine
Once we got it jump started we drove to Sault and I did my ride up Mount Ventoux
Then on to Dauphin to meet Ed and Anne
Nadette and Ed
After an evening of food and drink we went for a 10K walk with Ed in the hills near Dauphin
Nature takes over
The village of Dauphin from the hills
We left Ed and drove back towards Ventoux as we had another meet to get to with Lionel and Catherine
Another Spin
Parked up for the night at Col de Ey
We caught up with Catherine and Lionel in Dieulefit
After visiting some lovely villages we ended up at our first campsite, Catherine could not find anywhere for them to stay so they brought a tent.
The campsite was at Vesc and it was perfect. The village was great too.
With a small fun Sunday morning market
Where we met up with Clemence, after about 15 years
Clemence is a diving instructor but also a captain in the Calanques, so we got a private guided tour just the three of us through some of the Calanques
Pirate ship….
The water was clear and warm
Some aerial shots of the Calanques
Next day we had the starter problem of the van sorted, it was not the battery but rather the starter motor.
Good bye meal in Cassis, I think the restaurant was called Léscalier
We drove over to the black mountains on your way towards Spain, stopped in Mazamet to see Nadette’s Brother Jean, I had a nice cycle on an old railway line.
A short video in French of Jeans place near Mazamet
We drank some Cuvee Charlet….
And I did my last cycle in France, up the Pique du Nord, Spain awaited….